Monday, October 27, 2008

We built the official heart project site.

To mature our project, we firstly built the heart project site. This site, made by trac, provides a wiki, a subversion repository browser, and an issues tracker. You can visit the heart project site ( ) now.

Now, the domain name of our site is not available yet, but it will be registered within three days. The domain name will be Also, you can access the site via either http or https; I recommended https. The subversion repository is described in the front of the site. It is currently available.


Edward J. Yoon said...

Great job!!

Immigrant Engineer @ SF said...

Yet, wouldn't it be better to use SourceForge, so we can get more exposure from the developer community?

Hyunsik Choi said...

When it comes to advertising our project, the ( is better. However, is too slow and is not easy to install wiki (or other programs). I think that is somewhat inconvenience to us.

Also, one of our objectives is for the heart to be one of the apache projects. If the heart becomes the apache's one, our project site will be moved to apache.

Edward J. Yoon said...

Yes, We don't need another one on

Edward J. Yoon said...

FYI, I added a mail address of google groups to 'Comment Notification Email' list.

Edward J. Yoon said...

I just changed the skin.

Hyunsik Choi said...

I like this skin.

Bruce Williams said...

Good work!

I agree sourceforge is too slow

Hyunsik Choi said...

Hi all,

Register your account at the site. The account serves as the svn account. After several days, I will lock the web register.

Nevertheless, anonymous users can modify and create wiki page, and they can issues tickets. But, they can access svn repository with read only permission.

Hyunsik Choi said...

The domain name ( ) is now available, and https is also available. I recommend that you use https in terms of security.

Edward J. Yoon said...

After we just met, I feel that we have a long way to go. But, the beginning is half of the whole. :)

Unknown said...

Hi guys,

you may wish to add

to your list of related projects

best wishes of good work,
