Thursday, October 23, 2008

Heart Meetup in NHN, corp.

Heart Proposal v.01

I propose an Heart meetup in NHN, corp on 1st of November. we'll be focusing on distributed computing and the Heart.

LOCATION : 1F Lobby at SK C&C BD, Bundang-Ku JungJa-dong, KOREA REP.

3:45-4:00PM | Food/drinks and get seated
4:00-5:15PM | Presentation (hadoop/hbase)
5:15-5:20PM | Break
5:20-5:50PM | Technical Discussion (heart)
6:00-7:30PM | Dinner

Comment to Attend Here.


Immigrant Engineer @ SF said...

I'm in.

Edward J. Yoon said...

I'm a host.

Hyunsik Choi said...

I'll participate in the meeting.

YongHyun Cho said...

I'll participate in.

Jihoon Son said...

I'll participate in, too.

Morton Swimmer said...

I'm no where near Korea, unfortunately.
-Cheers, Morton

danbri said...

Sorry I couldn't make it! I'm in the Netherlands at the moment. I'd be very interested to see a short report from the meeting...

Edward J. Yoon said...

Hi, danbri.

Sure, We talk about data store models. i.e. formal concepts determining organization of data structures.

Here's few issues from our meeting.

* How to reduce the join and leave latencies?
* How to reduce the network cost?
* Is it a real-time system? or not?
* Is There a Business Model?